Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Survived another snow day

Yep, I sure did! I even had my niece for the day.

This morning I had to bundle all the kids up to go to the post office just to get stamps, they needed to get out anyway and it gave me a chance to make sure the new seating arrangement in the van was going to work. Boys in the back and girls in the middle.

A couple of highlights for the day:

My daughter and niece made screen printed shirts.

They had a blast!

While they were doing that my boys were playing Giraffalaff Limbo

Now this game occupied them for all of 5 minutes and then limbo bar became a sword.

While the kids were having down time I hurried and made a bunch of pancakes and put them in plastic bags to freeze.

and I made mini Banana Muffins for one of our snack baskets in the pantry.
These were really good!

While I was in the kitchen today I noticed the baseboards and cabinets need a good cleaning so I started on that but haven't finished yet.
I still haven't gotten to the toys or menu planning. For dinner I have just been looking through the freezer above the fridge and putting random ingredients together. We need to get rid of some leftovers any way.

With all this snow the kids go to school 2 hours late so that means Anthoney doesn't have school all this week. Should be fun...

Tomorrow I have the rare opportunity to go out by myself! I am looking forward to that!

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